The Best Pelvic Floor Exercise Products

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Companies market all sorts of stuff to vagina owners: washes, wipes, pads, kegel aids, trainers, and more. With shelves and shelves full of products, it can be tough to know which of them might be actually useful.

First, know this: If your pelvic floor is generally healthy, you probably don’t need any fancy-schmancy products. But for specific issues and to help improve your general quality of life, read on for some pelvic floor exercise products I recommend.

Pelvic Floor Products for General Health

#1 The Squatty Potty

Proper positioning is key for successful pooping. Leaning forward with your knees up helps to align your internal organs to have the best experience possible. That’s why I love the Squatty Potty.

squatty potty for pelvic floor exercise products

This small stool is clinically proven to reduce straining during bowel movements, which can alleviate pressure from your pelvic floor. This helps you avoid muscle weakness contributing to urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, and other pelvic floor disorders.

#2 Magnesium Supplements

Magnesium keeps things moving in your bowels, which helps prevent constipation, straining, and pelvic floor pressure. I love this magnesium supplement from Natural Vitality.

#3 Moisturizer

person holding medicine mama vaginal moisturizer for pelvic floor exercise products

Downstairs dryness is super common, especially in postpartum folks. Try this “lip stick” from Medicine Mama’s Apothecary to give you an extra boost of moisture. With natural ingredients like honey, olive oil, and avocado, you can both moisturize and protect those delicate connective tissues.

Pelvic Floor Exercise Products for Strengthening

#1 Pelvic Floor Trainers

Kegel exercises — mindfully contracting and relaxing your pelvic muscles — can help to improve pelvic floor strength. But they’re difficult to get right on your own.

Using a kegel training system can help! Try the Elvie app-controlled kegel trainer. Another option is the INNOVO system, which is like a personal trainer for your pelvic floor, tucked right into a pair of comfy shorts. It uses gentle zaps to help exercise your pelvic floor muscles.

#2 Exercise Balls

childs pose on birth ball stretches for labor

Pilates and yoga balls can be helpful pelvic floor tools when exercising at home. Try this one from ProBody Pilates!

#3 Kegel Weights

Add some resistance to your usual pelvic floor strengthening routine — like using dumbbells for your lady parts! Pop one in and let gravity do the work as your pelvic muscles naturally contract to keep the kegel weight in place. The Intimate Rose system is made of BPA-free, medical-grade silicone, without openings or grooves to collect bacteria.

Pelvic Floor Products for Pregnancy and Postpartum

#1 Pregnancy Back Support Belts

Your new center of gravity puts a lot of pressure on your back and pelvic floor. To help, use a back support belt. This can help alleviate aches, pains, and overall muscle fatigue (especially in the later parts of pregnancy). 

#2 Pregnancy & Postpartum Compression Bands

Belly binding, especially after a C-section, can help with back pain, hernias, diastasis recti, and general core weakness after birth. These support bands from Bao Bei are my favorite. In lieu of traditional belly binding, these shorts from SRC Recovery are also an excellent option.

#3 Frida Mom Postpartum Essentials Kit

While the hospital has everything your new baby needs, you may not be as lucky. The Frida Mom Postpartum Essentials Kit has your back (and your front). Think of this as your recovery room in a box. Packed with all the goodies your body needs after birth, from cooling pad liners to comfy mesh undies, it’s like a spa day for your nether regions.

Products for a Tight Pelvic Floor

#1 Water-Based Lubricants

lubes on a table

One of the major causes of discomfort or pain during sex is vaginal dryness. Especially in postpartum, we tend to get a little dry down there. For a better experience in the sack, try a great lube like Slippery Stuff.

#2 Vaginal Dilators

vaginal dialators for breast cancer vaginal estrogen and your pelvic floor.

Pelvic floor tightness can also cause painful sex. To train your muscles to relax, try a vaginal dilator. These cylindrical wands stretch the vaginal wall gently and progressively, making it easy and comfortable on your body. Try these from Intimate Rose.

#3 Pelvic Wand Massagers

therawand for pudendal neuralgia

Pelvic wands can help reach superficial and deep pelvic floor muscles, releasing trigger and tender points. This will help overactive pelvic floor muscles relax and return to their normal functions! These from Intimate Rose are my favorite.

Pelvic Floor Products for Menopause

#1 Vaginal moisturizer

Vulvar and vaginal dryness is all too common in perimenopause and menopause, thanks to lower estrogen levels. And it can lead to itching, burning, and even pain during sex. 

Topical estrogens can be a great choice for many, but there are also some really great over-the-counter options. Try the Revaree® suppositories from Bonafide. These little hyaluronic acid suppositories are like a tall drink of water for your lady bits.

#2 Leakage protection

Midlife brings changes to your bladder and periods that can catch you off guard. As estrogen levels dip, you might experience more frequent urges to pee, increased bladder leaks, or unpredictable menstrual cycles. Attn: Grace has a solve for this. Their clever hybrid pads are like a Swiss Army knife for your unpredictable perimenopause days, tackling both period flow and sneaky bladder leaks with ease.

The best bang for your buck? Pelvic floor PT!

A pelvic floor physical therapist could be the pelvic floor exercise “products” you’re looking for. A PT can diagnose and treat all types of pelvic floor problems so you can stay happy and healthy from the inside out. 

If that’s not accessible for you right now, though, I totally get it. That’s why I created the V-Hive. These online, on-demand workouts for your pelvic floor and core can help you get pelvic floor PT support at home (and for a fraction of the cost). Join for 7 days free, today!

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10-minute, pelvic floor and core workouts to prevent and overcome common pelvic floor challenges.

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