Exercises for Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

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Exercises for hemorrhoids during pregnancy

You’ve likely discovered that pregnancy isn’t all unicorns, rainbows, and “You’re positively glowing!”

As if “morning” sickness, tender breasts, and round ligament pain weren’t enough, pregnancy can also be a real pain in the butt. Literally.

Yes, my friends, today we’re talking about hemorrhoids, and more specifically, exercises for hemorrhoids during pregnancy.

What Causes Hemorrhoids to Flare Up in Pregnancy?

I know hemorrhoids can be an embarrassing topic, so it might help to know you’re definitely not alone. According to the Cleveland Clinic, 30-40% of pregnant people get hemorrhoids!

Also called piles, hemorrhoids are swollen (varicose) veins in your anus (butthole). They can be as small as a bead to as large as a nickel.

You might have hemorrhoids if you notice the following:

  • Itching or irritation around your anus
  • Bright red blood on the toilet paper when you wipe
  • Blood when you poop
  • An uncomfortable lump near your anal opening

Hemorrhoids in pregnancy have several causes:

  • Increased blood flow to your pelvic area
  • Pelvic pressure from your growing uterus and growing baby
  • Constipation or straining
  • High progesterone levels

All of these factors create a perfect storm that cause your veins to swell and eventually create those beloved hemorrhoids.

Note: Bleeding related to hemorrhoids is minimal and only occurs during bowel movements. If you’re pregnant and experiencing any sort of bleeding, it’s best to check in with your medical provider.

Exercises for Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

The fastest way to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy is to avoid them in the first place. Use these tips to keep hemorrhoids at bay. Walking or running can be especially helpful.

#1 Try water-based exercises

Low impact workouts like water aerobics or lap swimming is not only safe in pregnancy, but it’s also really healthy for both you and your growing baby! Regular exercise can keep things moving on the inside, preventing hemorrhoids on the outside.

#2 Learn how to check in with your pelvic floor

Learning how to properly breathe during bowel movements can help minimize pressure on your pelvic floor muscles and hemorrhoids.

Check out the video below to learn about diaphragmatic breathing:

#3 Break out your favorite yoga poses

Now that you know how to breathe properly, you can incorporate this into your yoga practice to help with hemorrhoids!

  • Child’s pose
  • Wind relieving pose (knees to chest)
  • Butterfly stretch
  • Glute release with ball massage

If you already have hemorrhoids, it’s important to know which exercises to avoid, including:

  • Deep Squats
  • Heavy weightlifting
  • Rowing
  • Cycling

#4 Avoid constipation

Constipation puts extra pressure on your rectum, causing vein inflammation – increasing the likelihood of developing hemorrhoids during pregnancy. The tips will help you improve digestive health and prevent constipation:

  • Eat a high-fiber diet, including veggies, fruits, and whole grains.
  • Use the bathroom when you need to, rather than stalling or waiting.
  • Stay on the toilet only as long as you need to.
  • Choose a food-based prenatal vitamin to avoid constipation related to synthetic iron.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Ask your doctor for a stool softener or fiber supplement (or try prune juice for a natural option!)

How Long Do Hemorrhoids Last?

Hemorrhoids are most common in the third trimester—starting around week 28—and can last for several weeks postpartum.

Especially if you have a vaginal birth, the pressure of pushing out your little one can continue to aggravate your rectal veins. This means your hemorrhoids might get worse before they get better.

Sometimes, though, hemorrhoids can disappear after childbirth without treatment as your hormone levels, blood volume, and abdominal pressure return to normal.

How to Treat Painful or Itchy Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

Try these remedies to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy so you can get on the road to recovery:

  • Apply an ice pack to the affected area.
  • Do a sitz bath two or three times/day for 10-15 minutes.
  • Sit on a donut-shaped pillow to ease the pressure.
  • Apply witch hazel or baking soda (wet or dry) to decrease itching.
  • Try TUCKS Medicated Cooling Pads.
  • Use coconut oil or pure aloe to relieve pain and inflammation.
  • Switch to soft, unscented toilet paper or wet wipes.

Rectal area bleeding from internal and external hemorrhoids is usually harmless. But go ahead and check in with your OB/GYN or colorectal surgeon (just to be safe). Also, be sure to consult with them before starting any medications to ease your symptoms.

The V-Hive: Exercises for Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy and more

Moving your body has many benefits for your pregnancy and postpartum experience. One of those is preventing and treating hemorrhoids.

If you’re nervous about working out during pregnancy, I get it! That’s why I created the Pregnancy Series for V-Hive members. The Pregnancy Series offers week-by-week support to help you feel strong from the inside out. Included in this series are:

  • Three pelvic floor and core workouts each week.
  • Exercises designed and modified specifically for pregnant bodies.
  • A library of pregnancy and childbirth tips for managing lightning crotch, constipation, rib pain, leg cramps, breast changes, and lots more.

Become a V-Hive member today.

Some links may be affiliate links. The products we recommend are products we use or recommend to clients.

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