Adenomyosis and Back Pain

Adenomyosis and Back Pain

Chronic pain is a pain. Especially in your back. Can’t sit for too long. Can’t stand for too long. Bending, shifting, lifting; it all hurts. Adenomyosis, a reproductive health condition, can cause some chronic lower back pain. What is Adenomyosis? Adenomyosis is when...

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PCOS and Pelvic Pain

PCOS and Pelvic Pain

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a challenge that’s misdiagnosed, misunderstood, and often just plain missed.  So let’s set the record straight on what PCOS and pelvic pain is, why it’s so painful, and how to ease your symptoms. What is PCOS? People who have PCOS...

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How to Manage Endometriosis Pain During Sex

How to Manage Endometriosis Pain During Sex

Chronic pain can be hard to talk about.  Especially when it’s down there.  Especially when it comes to sex. We may even try to convince ourselves that it’s all in our head. Or unfortunately we’ve been told that by unsupportive medical professionals But if you’re...

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Can Menstrual Cups Cause Prolapse?

Can Menstrual Cups Cause Prolapse?

For many environmentally conscious folks—or simply financially conscious folks—menstrual cups have become a go-to period product. But some people are hesitant to use them because they’ve heard menstrual cups can cause or worsen pelvic organ prolapse. Is that true? Are...

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Pelvic Floor Pain During Periods: Tips from a Therapist

Pelvic Floor Pain During Periods: Tips from a Therapist

I was ten years old the day I got my first period. My mom handed me a maxi-pad and a book about menstrual cycles and said, "Let me know if you have questions." And that was it. No discussion about period care, no tips, and I used the same menstrual products as my mom....

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How to Insert a Menstrual Cup

How to Insert a Menstrual Cup

Menstrual cups can be a great fit if you want to save some money, reduce your impact on the environment and are ok with menstrual blood. With a little bit of trial and error and persistence, menstrual cups can be a great choice!

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How to Take Great Care of Your Pelvic Floor

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5 Myths We’ve Been Told About Pregnant Bodies

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4 Signs of Pelvic Floor Muscle Tension

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How to Prepare Your Pelvic Floor & Core for Childbirth

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6 Exercises To Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor and Core

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6 Exercises To Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor and Core

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5 Pelvic Floor and Core Exercises for C-section Recovery

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