Best Pelvic Supports for Pregnancy

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pregnant woman wearing belly support

Two Easy Solutions for Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy

One of my biggest tips during pregnancy is to be proactive and wear pelvic supports for pregnancy as needed. Taking care of your body (and vagina) can make it pregnancy a much more comfortable and enjoyable experience and keep you active and exercising throughout.

This is because pregnant women who are active and exercise regularly during pregnancy have an easier labor and delivery, decreased pain, decreased constipation, better sleep, decreased risk of postpartum depression and healthier babies.

If you are experiencing any type of pelvic pain during pregnancy (think cramping or heaviness, pain in your lower back, pain when you pee or poop, etc.) seek help!

An online pelvic health physical therapist can assess your situation and offer guidance, tips and tricks to navigate whatever it is you’re dealing with (there is nothing we haven’t seen!). In the meantime, if you need a little physical pelvic support, check out these two pelvic support belts below.

Mom EZ Maternity Belt

My favorite pregnancy support is the MomEZ Maternity belt.

I encourage women to start wearing this in their second trimester through the remainder of the pregnancy.

This support band helps support the lower back and abdominals, keeps the pelvis stable, decreases lower back and hip pain, and can help keep you active.

Remember, you want to wear this throughout the day and not just AFTER you start hurting.

V2 Support

You may experience vaginal swelling and/or varicose veins in your vagina due to the increased fluid and blood flow in your body during pregnancy.

Vulvar varicosities may cause an achy, heavy feeling. This feeling can become especially worse after a lot of standing or walking and at the end of the day.

For this I recommend the V2 support. It’s pretty much like a jock strap for your vagina. Wear it over your underwear BUT underneath clothing (just wanted to be clear).

This is also recommended to wear throughout the day, not just after the achy feeling commences.

This V2 support can also be used for pelvic organ prolapse after pregnancy as well (you may have this if you feel like something is falling out of your vagina).


Are you currently pregnant or planning to conceive? If so, make sure to download my FREE resource — How to Prepare Your Pelvic Floor & Core for Childbirth + 8 Must-Dos for C-Section and Vaginal Deliveries.


Some links may be affiliate links. The products we recommend are products we use or recommend to clients.

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