Sunflower Lecithin for Plugged Milk Ducts

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close up of a bottle of sunflower lecithin sitting on a table with a breast pump

We often don’t see the behind-the-scenes struggle with breastfeeding or pumping. My biggest challenge was plugged milk ducts, also known as clogged or blocked ducts. Over my 3.5 years of breastfeeding, I had more than 20 plugged ducts and mastitis five times. One of those episodes landed me in the emergency room. What worked for me the best was taking sunflower lecithin for clogged ducts.

Sunflower lecithin for clogged ducts

Hands down, the biggest game-changer for me was taking this supplement daily. 

Sunflower lecithin makes milk smoother and thinner

Sunflower lecithin for clogged ducts and breastfeeding works wonders. It makes the milk thinner and smoother. This allows the milk to flow freely and can help prevent clogged ducts and recurrent clogged ducts. Your breasts will empty better when taking sunflower lecithin. 

You can improve the quality of milk by taking one daily dose – around 1200 to 2400 milligrams. Take it multiple times a day if on the lower end or twice per day if on the higher end (if taking it in capsule form). 

You can see results within a day!

You can take sunflower lecithin for clogged ducts in many forms, including supplements, granules, powder, or liquid. And yes, it’s approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

You can take it with food if needed but watch out for any adverse reactions or side effects, including upset stomach or gastrointestinal issues such as diarrhea. Always notify your healthcare provider, OBGYN, or midwife before taking any supplements while breastfeeding. 

soy vs sunflower lecithin 

Sunflower lecithin is “healthier.” It is extracted by cold pressing vs. solvents, has few (if any) side effects, and doesn’t get estrogen ticking. Dr. Jack Newman is well known for his support of lecithin for recurrent plugged ducts. He loves it because sunflower lecithin helps to increase polyunsaturated fatty acids in the milk.

How else can you prevent clogged ducts?

Keep a regular breastfeeding or pumping schedule & change positions

Returning to work, traveling, or skipping feeds can make you more vulnerable. So, stick to a schedule as best as you can. Every feeding should equal a pump, so whenever your baby at home is feeding, you should be pumping away. You should also breastfeed more often if you can. Breastfeeding instead of pumping when you are with your baby helps to drain your boobs better. Don’t forget to change your baby’s position on the boob to help them latch better. Consider a football hold, cradle hold, or side-lying in bed.

Use the magic of heat and massage

Place heat on a plugged duct with a Medela soothing pad or a diaper soaked with warm water. Another alternative is to shower and run warm water over your boob. Also, massage that breast with your hands, electric toothbrush, vibrator, or whatever you can!

Dangle feed your baby

I got on my hands and knees and dropped my boob into my baby’s mouth, hoping gravity would help him suck it out, and it worked. You can also use your partner on the boob. Okay, I’ve never done this personally, but I have been so desperate I would never judge a woman for putting her partner on that boob to suck it out. 

Cabbage leaves… trust me

Cabbage leaves can prevent you from getting engorged. Try them out! 

Hang in there, mama

Let’s quickly discuss milk blisters before we close! Milk blisters present like little white pimples on your nips and block the outlet. I use a sterile needle for popping or scrubbing them with a loofah in a warm shower. Now, the best advice I can give you is to hang in there. I have been so incredibly desperate at times and wondered what would happen if it didn’t release, but it always did. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Find your village. Stay strong. 


Are you currently pregnant or planning to conceive? If so, download my FREE resource — 5 Myths We’ve Been Told About Pregnant Bodies! I correct common pregnancy myths and give many tips to help you feel strong and healthy for 40 weeks.


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